All specific part replacement prices are based on manufacturer determined labor times.
Prices are based on labor only, parts charged separately.
Suspension Diag
Suspension Diagnosis 45$
Our suspension diagnosis is used when trying to find a noise or feeling the customer is experiencing when driving their car. Must be able to duplicate concern, may include jacking vehicle up off ground and removing wheels.
Electrical Diagnosis
Electrical Diagnosis Starting At : 50$
This diagnosis is used when non powertrain accessories such as vehicle windows or other components are not functioning correctly.
Brake Services
Brake Evaluation : 30$ - (If work gets done 15$ is subtracted from brake jobs below)
Brake Pads Only : 85$
Brake Pads + Rotors : 100$
Front and Rear Brake Pads : 140$
Brake Pads + Rotors All Around : 170$
Caliper and Brake Hose Replacements Determined By Manufacturer Labor Times
Check Engine Light Diagnosis
Check Engine Light Diagnosis : 75$
This diagnosis is used when trying to figure out the cause of a check engine light on the dash.
Tune Up Services
Spark Plugs : 85$ x Manufacturer determined labor time
Basic Tune-Up : Spark Plug Labor + 30$ (This includes Spark plug replacement and cabin + engine air filter replacement)
Fluid Leak Evaluations
Fluid leak evaluation : 45$
This may include jacking vehicle up off ground and removing underbody panels or pressure testing cooling system.
Flat Rate Services
Flat Rate Labor Pricing : 85$
This is the price for when you have any car part that you need installed
Our Shop flat rate is 85$ per hour meaning that If the manufacturer says it takes .4 hours to do your serpentine belt you would be charged 34$